The Dinosource
The bare-bones dinosaur edu-tainment podcast! Join your hosts David and Michaela in their journey of dinosaur discovery, starting with the very basics and moving on to the latest dino digs.
The Dinosource
028 - Dinosaurs Under UV (Microraptor and Juravenator)
The Dinosource Podcast
Episode 28
- Dr Dave Hone discussing fossil examination under UV
- Hone and Tischingler on Microraptor under UV
- Interview with Hone about the paper
- Scientists have used UV light to reconstruct pigmentation on fossil snail shells
- Turns out birds have more going on in the UV spectrum than we can see with our dumb human eyes
- No, that viral video wasn’t showing pigeons’ natural UV fluorescence
- A re-examination of Juravenator with pictures under UV courtesy of Helmut Tischlinger
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Email: dinosourcepodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @TheDinosource
Thanks to June "McGreatness" Paik for our lovely podcast artwork.