The Dinosource
The bare-bones dinosaur edu-tainment podcast! Join your hosts David and Michaela in their journey of dinosaur discovery, starting with the very basics and moving on to the latest dino digs.
The Dinosource
026 - Spooky Scary Theropods (Concavenator and Ceratosaurus)
The Dinosource Podcast
Episode 26
- Quick primer on why illegally smuggling fossils is bad
- Thesaurus tea company, for those who are interested
- Concavenator’s introductory paper
- Icthyovenator is the anti-Concavenator
- Ceratosaurus’ forelimb research
Get In Touch
Email: dinosourcepodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @TheDinosource
Thanks to June "McGreatness" Paik for our lovely podcast artwork.