The Dinosource
The bare-bones dinosaur edu-tainment podcast! Join your hosts David and Michaela in their journey of dinosaur discovery, starting with the very basics and moving on to the latest dino digs.
The Dinosource
025 - Ceratopsids (Styracosaurus and Protoceratops)
December 04, 2020
The Dinosource Podcast
Episode 25
- Dinosaurs were not on the way out when the asteroid hit, new research finds
- Protoceratops nest with 15 juveniles preserved
- Protoceratops preserved with its footprint
- YDAW on Styracosaurus
- Cotylorhynchus, the anti-ceratopsid
- Darren Naish discussing the possibility that ceratopsid frills were attached to the rest of their body all the way up (it’s not likely)
- Protoceratops fossil with multiple standing on top of each other
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Thanks to June "McGreatness" Paik for our lovely podcast artwork.