The Dinosource
The bare-bones dinosaur edu-tainment podcast! Join your hosts David and Michaela in their journey of dinosaur discovery, starting with the very basics and moving on to the latest dino digs.
The Dinosource
022 - Dinosaurs That Buck The Trend (Therizinosaurus and Psittacosaurus)
The Dinosource Podcast
Episode 22
- Therizinosaurs in pictures, although Mark Witton has since indicated that this is probably not an accurate look, even if it did have feathers
- Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong once again bringing the cold, hard facts about Therizinosaurus
- Psittacosaurus looked funny and also may have been spelled very different from how you imagined
- Osborn’s paper describing Psittacosaurus
- 2016 paper by Vinther et al showing off Psittacosaurus’ colouration
- We’ve touched on it before, but feathers on a large animal like Therizinosaurus might have hindered more than they helped
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Thanks to June "McGreatness" Paik for our lovely podcast artwork.